Ferrets as Pets | Domestic Ferrets are being kept as Pets at home

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The “Ferret” is the domesticated European polecat, a mammal from the same species as the weasel, Mustela of the family “Mustelidae”. They usually have brown, black, white, or mixed hair. History of the Ferret's house-training is indeterminate, like various other domestic animals, but it is probable that Ferrets have been domesticated 2,500 years ago. They are now being used for hunting rabbits in some areas of the world, but evermore, Ferrets are kept only as pets.
Being very closely to polecats, the Ferrets easily crossbreed with them, and this has infrequently caused in feral colonies of polecat-ferret crossbreeds that have caused destruction to native fauna, particularly in New Zealand. Consequently, some regions of the world have imposed constraints on keeping the Ferrets.

Size and Weight

Ferrets have a normal length of 20 inches (51 cm) comprising 5.1 inches (13 cm) tail. They are weighing about 1.5 lb to 4 lb (0.7 kg to 2 Kg). They are sexually dimorphic marauders with males being considerably bigger than females.


The natural lifespan of Ferrets is expected to be 7 to 10 years.

Ferret Characteristics

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Ferrets have a usual Mustelid body-structure, being long and slim. Their pelage has numerous patterns containing brown, black, white or mixed. The normal gestation period is forty-two days and females may have 2 or 3 litters every year. The litter size is generally between 3 and 7 kits which are weaned after 3 to 6 weeks and become independent at 3 months. They become sexually mature at about 6 months of age.

Ferret Behavior

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Ferrets spend fourteen to eighteen hours asleep per day. They are most active at dawn and dusk, it means that they are crepuscular. Dissimilar to their polecat families, which are unsociable animals, many Ferrets will live happily in communities. A group of Ferrets is usually denoted as a ‘business’. They are territorial, like to burrow, and desire to sleep in a surrounded area.
Similar to various other mustelids, Ferrets have scent-glands near their anus, the oozes from which are used for tracing. Ferrets can identify folks from these anal gland oozes, as well as the sex of unacquainted individuals. Ferrets can use urine marking for sex and separate recognition.
As with skunks, Ferrets can discharge their anal-gland oozes when disconcerted or frightened, but the smell is much less potent and disperses fast. Most pet Ferrets in the United States are sold de-scented (without anal glands). In some other areas of the world, comprising the United Kingdom and other European countries, de-scenting is thought to be an unnecessary disfigurement.
If enthusiastic, they can show their behavior which is called ‘weasel war dance’, considered by frenzied sideways hops, leaps and jolting into nearby substances. In spite of its common name, it is not hostile but is a thrilling invitation to play. It is frequently escorted by a distinctive soft clucking noise, usually known as ‘dooking’. When frightened, Ferrets will hiss; when distressed, they squeak softly.

Ferrets Diet

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Ferrets are force carnivores. The natural food of their wild lineages entailed completely the small prey, comprising meat, organs, bones, skin, feathers, and hair. Ferrets have small digestive systems and fast metabolism, so they need to eat regularly. Ready dry foods containing completely meat (comprising high-grade cat food, although particular Ferret diet is more and more available and preferable) provide the most nutritious significance and are the more suitable, though some Ferret possessors feed pre-killed or live prey (for instance, mice and rabbits) to their Ferrets to more carefully mimic their natural food.
Ferrets inscription on their diet at about 6 months of age. This can make presenting new diets to an older Ferret an experiment, and even simply varying brands of kibble may meet with confrontation from a Ferret that has never eaten the diet as a kit. It is consequently desirable to uncover young Ferrets to as various diverse types and flavors of suitable diet as possible.

Ferret Dentition

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The Ferrets have four (4) types of teeth (the number comprises maxillary (upper) and mandibular (lower) teeth) with a dental formula of 3/3 1/1 4/4 1/2:
·       12 Small Teeth (only a couple of millimeters) positioned between the canines in the front of the mouth. These are identified as the incisors and are used for training purposes.
·       4 Canines used for killing the prey.
·       12 Premolar Teeth that the Ferret utilized to chew its food positioned at the sides of the mouth, just right behind the canines. The Ferret uses these teeth to cut the meat, using them in a scissors manner to cut the meat into edible pieces.
·       6 Molars (2 on the top and 4 on the bottom) at the far back of the mouth is utilized to crush food.

Ferret as Pets

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In the USA, Ferrets were comparatively infrequent pets until the 1980s. A government research by the “California State Bird and Mammal Conservation The program” projected that by 1996 approximately 800,000 Domestic Ferrets were being kept as pets in the USA.
Similar to various other domestic pets, Ferrets need a cage. For Ferrets, a wire-cage minimum 18 inches long and deep, and 30 inches broader or lengthier is required. Ferrets cannot be kept in environments, for instance, an aquarium because of the deprived ventilation. It is desirable that the cage has more than one level but this is not essential. Commonly, 2 to 3 diverse shelves are used.

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